In George Orwell's classic, the proles swallowed up all the newspeak ­propaganda from Big Brother, and Brian Reade fears too ...
Orwell’s perennially relevant dystopian novel is a condemnation of the Soviet Union’s embrace of Stalinism and the censorship ...
Consider that Donald Trump, as president, successfully perpetrated, with no evidence, the Big Lie that the 2020 election was rigged.
First, Musk retweeted a post on X noting that the “blind director of watchdog group funded by George Soros testifies that he ...
I’ve lost my borrowed copy of George Orwell’s Burmese Days. But the story is so fantastical the librarian will be ...
Midwestern State University's Theater will soon be bringing to the stage a refreshed version of George Orwell's '1984.' A ...
Including: Labour government under pressure, wages and unemployment, report from Nigeria on miners' strike, Russian trade ...
Amy Leach directs Tatty Hennessy’s adaptation of Orwell’s shockingly relevant novella, exploring greed and corruption in a ...