Does your skin flare up without any apparent reason? Are you noticing red patches and bumps on your forehead, cheeks, and ...
Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that can result in sensitivity, flushing, redness, broken capillaries, and flare-ups.
Problema numero 1, numero 2 o numero 3? Dal semplice arrossamento alla couperose, per ogni fastidio cutaneo in inverno c'è ...
With the best LED face masks now repping technology like near-infrared light and acne-fighting blue light, the skincare industry only seems to be gaining momentum. Many of us like to think we’ve ...
The goal of treatment is to reduce inflammation. Rosacea symptoms usually come and go with cycles of flare-ups and remission. Common symptoms include facial redness, a rash, acne-like bumps, and ...
Adult acne doesn't discriminate. It can affect any of us and there are various causes behind it – from genetics and hormones to stress. While spotty skin is often viewed as a 'teenage' problem ...
Una lunga fila di carri tirati da cavalli attraversa le strade di Lodz, nel 1942. Sono carichi di bambini. Uno di loro, in piedi, stella di David malamente cucita sul maglioncino, sembra guardarci ...