Publicul va putea vedea filme premiate, dezbateri cu invitați speciali, evenimente literare dar și concerte. Pentru a afla mai multe despre eveniment, HotNews a vorbit cu managerul festivalului ...
Laureatul Premiului Nobel pentru economie este destul de liniştit cu privire la consecinţele trumpismului, dar este îngrijorat de evoluția democraţiei americane în mijlocul unei derive oligarhice, ...
A piece of film history missing for more than 100 years and thought to be lost forever was found on Long Island by an intern going through old boxes. The 16-millimeter film is believed to be the ...
PVR INOX unveils SCREENIT—a new platform, available only on PVR INOX app that redefines the way audiences experience cinema. With SCREENIT, movie enthusiasts can create or join customised shows ...
This season we will focus our efforts and only serve Ikon mountains. The Ikon Pass is the most popular with CU students and the student run Boulder Freeride organization has great pricing for the pass ...
Exploring history, military strategy, science, technology and human values, the film will educate and appeal to all. Narrated by Tom Brokaw, D-Day: Normandy 1944 pays tribute to those who gave their ...
Transfer applicants are looking to complete a bachelor's degree at CU Boulder. Whether you are planning to apply or have already been admitted, find your next step in the admission process for ...
„Something Borrowed” este un film romantic de comedie din 2011, regizat de Luke Greenfield, bazat pe romanul cu același nume scris de Emily Giffin. Pelicula se învârte în jurul unui triunghi amoros și ...