A Sebi member voiced concerns over greenwashing and misleading ESG disclosures at the ESG Summit. Addressing these issues requires enhanced regulatory oversight and legislative changes. As the ...
The briefing contains a mapping exercise and analysis of the approach taken by the European Supervisory Authorities and the U.K.’s Financial ...
Policies that require companies to disclose information on nature impacts are necessary to reduce greenwashing and protect the environment, but far from sufficient.
known as greenwashing, about how it sources its toilet paper. In a proposed class action on Thursday, eight consumers said Procter & Gamble obtains most wood pulp for Charmin from the Canadian ...
Unfortunately, he does not develop this important issue. For an example of a more resolute commitment to spatio-temporal properties as the root of ontic vagueness, see Rolf (1980); Heller (1996) also ...
In an effort to combat greenwashing, the Canadian government has amended the Competition Act, adding a new provision that regulates environmental claims in marketing materials. For U.S. companies ...
“These are just a form of greenwashing to keep on polluting and have the same corporations and executives do the same old game of exploiting Appalachian communities for profit,” says King. Even in a ...
Avalonia.Samples aims to provide some minimal samples focusing on a particular issue at a time. This should help getting new users started.
Your vacation is destroying the planet by consuming precious natural resources, polluting the environment and punching a hole ...