Suomalaishyökkääjä Jesse Puljujärvi palaa NHL:ään. Pittsburgh Penguins tiedotti maanantai-iltana, että Puljujärvi on kutsuttu farmisarja AHL:stä takaisin NHL-joukkueen puolelle. Samalla Penguins ...
SAN JOSE – Pittsburgh Penguins defenseman Erik Karlsson wasn’t privy to all the details about why David Quinn was fired as the San Jose Sharks head coach last April. But the three-time Norris ...
Jesse Puljujärvi sai maanantaina kutsun takaisin NHL:ään. Pittsburgh Penguins ilmoitti nostaneensa suomalaisen takaisin NHL-kokoonpanoonsa. Puljujärvi pelasi NHL:ssä viimeksi 12. tammikuuta ...
Pittsburgh Penguins on kutsunut Jesse Puljujärven NHL-miehistöönsä ja siirsi samalla hyökkääjä Jevgeni Malkinin sairaslistalle. Avaa kuvien katselu Jesse Puljujärvi. Kuva: Charles LeClaire-Imagn ...
Jesse Eisenberg said he decided to drive to Facebook's offices so he could meet Mark Zuckerberg before playing him in "The Social Network." But during the journey, Eisenberg said, a producer told ...
NHL-seura Pittsburgh Penguins on nostanut suomalaishyökkääjä Jesse Puljujärven AHL:stä NHL-joukkueensa matkaan. Puljujärvellä on ollut tällä kaudella suuria vaikeuksia mahtua Pittsburghin pelaavaan ...
Jesse Eisenberg portrayed Mark Zuckerberg in the 2010 film “The Social Network,” so it made sense to him that he should meet the Facebook founder in person as he was preparing for the role ...
Anamaria Baralt says she is often asked what her cousins Lyle and Erik Menendez are like. “Lyle’s humor is sharp and quick, it’s one of the things that’s kept him and our family going ...
“Getting to know Jesse Cole with the Savannah Bananas and just kind of seeing how he lives by his philosophy of ‘What everyone else does, do the opposite,’ it’s been really cool,” Erik Bakich said.
“We weren’t finding enough minutes just having him back up Bam,” coach Erik Spoelstra said Monday. “This is what we talk about: make us watch you, make us have to play you more, and then I ...