A bright and clear Thursday morning in New Brighton brought with it the sound of the pager, as New Brighton RNLI's volunteer crew were tasked by HM Coastguard to reports of a man and dog in difficulty ...
An RNLI harbour in West Sussex is searching for new crew members after a busy 2024. The Shoreham station has 20 volunteers, some of whom have been with the RNLI for more than 40 years.
Alex Clear had been jet skiing off Goring beach when he fell off, his inquest hears The death of a jet skier off a West Sussex beach was ... off Worthing beach, the RNLI and Worthing Borough ...
The fate of the Mary Stanford lifeboat remains the greatest single disaster in the history of the RNLI. Of the 17 men ... driving rain the 1.25 miles to the beach. After three attempts they ...
People planning to take a New Year's Day dip have been advised to make an "informed decision" amid a weather warning for south-west England. Chris Cousens, from the RNLI, also said people visiting ...