Contrary to some commonly held beliefs, current research shows that cutting out certain foods makes little difference in ...
When people classically think of eczema, they’re usually referring to atopic dermatitis, a chronic skin condition that’s driven by inflammation. However, eczema could also point to a number of other ...
Eczema is an umbrella term for a group of conditions that result in skin irritation and inflammation. The most common form of ...
ABC News medical correspondent Dr. Darien Sutton answers your health questions and shares tips for managing a toothache.
Let's uncover the hidden truths behind why your eczema keeps returning and what you can do to get long-term relief.
Veloz mainly deals with eczema on her arms, and her routine is all about keeping her skin moisturized and avoiding products ...
This NIHR Collection brings together major studies on the prevention and treatment of childhood eczema. It finds that many ...