DAMASCUS., Ala. (WTVY) - Coffee County cattle farmer Drew Donaldson stood in shock Thursday morning when he found seven dead ...
In defense of happy cows
Building soil health is one of the highest priorities for improving the overall environment, but cropland is not good for soil health. Importantly, according to the World Bank, 83 percent of existing ...
In this case, a listener runs spring and fall-calving cows in the same pasture and is trying to determine how to best meet ...
The transition period receives the attention of the entire dairy industry because of the dramatic and intense changes that cows undergo.
Regenerative agriculture aims to restore the health of our soils through farming practices based on natural processes.
Karla Wilke of the University of Nebraska Panhandle Research and Extension Center shared her thoughts about feeding cows in confinement during drought conditions.
The use of commercial livestock dewormers has paid off in terms of animal health and productivity, but it has also resulted ...