Fred Durocher remembers walking into his shift at the emergency room of Ellis Hospital in Schenectady five years ago and being struck by what he saw.
6 In January 2020, Chinese researchers identified a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 ... including 19 days under orotracheal intubation. The patient spent a long time in the prone position, from 16 to 24 ...
By Danial Adkison Those dark days began almost five years ago. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared Covid-19 a pandemic, and four days later, U.S. states began to order ...
How would the world cope if another infectious disease with pandemic potential were to emerge, as COVID-19 did five years ago? The answer is, we simply don’t know. In some respects, there are ...
These ceaseless seizures are considered a medical emergency and can require intubation and lead to permanent brain damage or even death. The seizures are typically treated with anticonvulsants ...