Artikel ini membahas secara mendalam tentang arti efisiensi, perbedaannya dengan efektivitas, serta bagaimana penerapannya ...
Pelajari apa itu BEP atau Break Even Point, rumus menghitungnya, serta manfaatnya bagi bisnis. Simak penjelasan lengkap dan contoh perhitungannya di sini.
We sell different types of products and services to both investment professionals and individual investors. These products and services are usually sold through license agreements or subscriptions ...
Proposal business plan yang baik adalah proposal yang bisa menarik investor. Bagaimana cara membuatnya? Ini tips yang bisa dicoba.
Ahli Hukum Tata Negara, Feri Amsari menegaskan, izin tambang bagi perguruan tinggi bukan sekadar bisnis, tetapi mencerminkan ...
Membuat proposal yang efektif merupakan keterampilan penting yang dapat menentukan keberhasilan suatu rencana atau proyek.
As the vernal equinox marks for the Northern hemisphere the first official day of spring 2025 – on March 20 – many students are eagerly anticipating the opportunity to escape the lingering ...
BEP is the go-to team for companies and startups to connect and collaborate with UB. We’re a mission-driven team passionate about moving innovation to impact in Buffalo and beyond.
Since launching TPG in 2010, founder Brian Kelly has expanded the team to include a distinguished editorial staff and an extensive network of freelancer contacts from around the globe. Today, TPG ...
An oil-exporting country’s “fiscal breakeven” oil price is the minimum price per barrel that the country needs in order to meet its expected spending needs while balancing its budget (figure ...
Audi is reneging on the naming convention it announced just two years ago. In early 2023, Audi declared that its future gas-powered models would adopt odd numbers in their names, while EVs would ...