Brachial plexus injury (BPI ... One significant area of research has been the use of the contralateral seventh cervical nerve (CC7) for nerve transfer in patients with hemiplegia.
Cervical cancer is treatable with chemotherapy that’s now being combined with innovative treatments. "Certainly, with the newer immunotherapies that are out there, we're able to generate a quite ...
Also read | 80% of women ignore these early signs of cervical cancer: 4 things you need to know "Treatment of cervical cancer during pregnancy should not be delayed," said Dr. Nidhi Sharma Chauhan.( ...
III Neurogenic Myofascial band with the same trajectory of cervical rib, inserting close to the scalenus tubercle. Produces compression of C8/T1 branches of brachial plexus. IV Neurogenic-arterial ...