Un bărbat a fost grav rănit, joi, după ce a pierdut controlul schiurilor, pe o pârtie din Predeal, el fiind proiectat 10-12 metri în pădure, unde s-a lovit de un copac. El a fost intubat ÅŸi transferat ...
Bărbatul a fost transportat cu elicopterul în comă, la spital. Salvatorii montani i-au acordat victimei primul ajutor. Bărbatul a fost coborât la baza pârtiei, de unde a fost preluat cu elicopterul.
Amid the cabana drama, a different problem has emerged. Picture: Facebook “It is unfortunate that we have had to erect signage to remind people of this, but I would hope people show common ...
Yassi Pressman has opened an Airbnb and is all set to give guests a luxurious vacation. Called Cabana Yassi, the large Antipolo home features four bedrooms, four bathrooms, a full kitchen, and a ...
CM Punk and Colt Cabana had been friends for years before their big falling out, when they were just rookies in the wrestling industry, working their way up to superstardom. Ever since, there has ...
Tourism Australia beach ambassador Brad Farmer has a different view of the cabana craze, describing it as "visual pollution". "Australian beaches are looking a lot more like Bali or Thailand or ...
Bunnings has released its own beach cabana as part of a summer range released late last year. The 2.4 metre device has a price tag of $65. Bunnings isn’t the only brand to do this. Aldi and ...
O noua lege a Administratiei Rezervatiei Biosferei Delta Dunarii a anuntat blocarea activitatii de vanare de pasari in Delta Dunarii. Sezonul trebuia sa se deschida la 15 septembrie.
Ofiterii Directiei Generale Anticoruptie (DGA), care au lucrat la cazul sefului Asociatiei Judetene a Vanatorilor si Pescarilor Sportivi (AJVPS), prins ca a luat spaga de la niste braconieri, au ...