Federal funding for biomedical research pays off by enabling basic discoveries that lead to lifesaving treatments, writes ...
Federal funding for biomedical research pays off by enabling basic discoveries that lead to lifesaving treatments, writes ...
To explore one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths, researchers from three institutes conducted a study by collecting stomach lining samples.
Johns Hopkins Medicine laboratory scientists say they have developed a potential new way to treat a variety of rare genetic ...
As a researcher supported by the American taxpayers, I think of my work as a social contract. It's a contract between me and ...
and CTNNB1 Connect and Cure. In addition to Coller and Torkzaban, other researchers who contributed to the study are Yining Zhu, Christian Lopez, Jingyao Ma, Yongzhi Sun, Katharine Maschhoff ...
(D) Western blotting of β-Catenin and β-Actin expression in hepatocytes, n = 3. (E) Quantification of β-Catenin expression. Data are the means ± SEM; n = 5. (F) qRT-PCR analysis of the relative ...
and CTNNB1 Connect and Cure. /Public Release. This material from the originating organization/author(s) might be of the point-in-time nature, and edited for clarity, style and length. Mirage.News does ...