A jury has heard that staff on a psychiatric ward where a woman took her own life would "not have seen her death coming", ...
The decision to reduce observations of a mental health in-patient who took her own life was “rational,” a court heard.
The ward manager of the unit, 55-year-old Benjamin Aninakwa, is accused of gross negligence and manslaughter. The North East London NHS Trust (NELFT) is accused of corporate manslaughter. Both deny ...
A ward manager who is accused of being responsible for the death of a young woman who took her own life had a "soft and gentle approach" with patients and staff, a nurse who worked with him has said.
The ward manager of the unit, 55-year-old Benjamin Aninakwa, is accused of gross negligence and manslaughter. The North East London NHS Trust (NELFT) is accused of corporate manslaughter.
The ward manager of the unit, 55-year-old Benjamin Aninakwa, is accused of manslaughter by gross negligence. The North East London NHS Trust (NELFT) is accused of corporate manslaughter.