China's 41st Antarctic expedition team recently utilized an Ice and Bedrock Electromechanical Drill (IBED) to gather critical ...
Earth's strongest ocean current is slowing down due to climate change with potentially disastrous consequences, scientists ...
The world's strongest ocean current could slow as melting Antarctic ice sheets flood it with fresh water, according to ...
Part of the system that pumps water, heat and nutrients around the globe is at risk. Climate change could slow the Antarctic ...
Melting Antarctic ice sheets are weakening the ACC, a vital ocean current that regulates global climate and ocean circulation ...
Melting ice sheets are slowing the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), the world's strongest ocean current, researchers have ...
Between 15 million and 6 million years ago, a drop in ocean crust production may have lowered sea level by 26 to 32 meters.
Antarctica once teemed with forest life, a new study finds. But the world's seas and oceans looked different during one of ...
Sandwiched between the freezing cold of Earth’s coldest continent and the warmth of its southernmost active volcano, the ...