In this episode of Weekly podcast, we speak to three experts who study different ways that people are affecting how plants and animals evolve – and how humanity has become the single biggest driver of ...
Our new study in north Wales focused on one such migrant. Aesculapian snakes (Zamenis longissimus) are nonvenomous reptiles ...
Bestiaries – medieval books containing descriptions of real-life and imaginary animals, accompanied by moralising tales – ...
Pesticides are causing overwhelming negative effects on hundreds of species of microbes, fungi, plants, insects, fish, birds ...
In 2019, scientists rediscovered a species of miniature deer long lost to science within the dry coastal forests of southern ...
Pesticides are causing overwhelming negative effects on hundreds of species of microbes, fungi, plants, insects, fish, birds and mammals that they are ...
A team of cognitive neuroscientists at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, working with colleagues from Instituto ...
Apex predators are famous for being successful hunters. They are fearsome because they are dangerous and have few to no predators. However, an apex predator can also look incredible while being at the ...
One of the most important cognitive foundations of human language is our ability to develop associations between the ...
Bullo River Station releases its inaugural Sustainability Report, amidst 10-year partnerships with the Australian Wildlife ...
Some animals seem out of place at first glance. Sometimes that can be chalked up to the limits of imagination, but other ...
In the interconnected web of nature, small disruptions can yield outsized consequences. One such example comes from Central ...