The Relic is now streaming on Netflix and it's a gory horror that has been compared to the sci-fi classic Alien, with some ...
The Relic, which is now streaming on Netflix, is a gory film, starring forgotten Hollywood actors, Penelope Ann Miller and ...
Kill Team: Blood and Zeal has just gone up for pre-order at all your favorite hobby stores, and for me, it's a good example ...
Fantastic puzzle series, or so-called Mystery box shows, will help you to test your patience, attention to detail and ...
The King, who never realized that Esther was Jewish, is outraged at Haman. He has his minister executed. In subsequent conversations with Esther, Achasverosh grants the Jews the right to self-defense ...
Thus the modern transhumanist/posthumanist worldview is religious. It is a counterfeit religion of course, but it is ...