Ref. No: 25/00119/CPN The Rosse 64 Bingley Road Shipley West Yorkshire BD18 4SD. Installation of three illuminated signs and three non-illuminated panels at ground floor level. Ref. No ...
A draft land management plan for the national forest and land in Glen Prosen and Glen Doll is entering has reached its final ...
AN ANTIQUES & COLLECTORS Fair is open on Sunday 2 March from 8.45am to 1pm at Reid Hall, Boreham Street, BN27 4SD with 25 stalls full of interesting items. This is a well-established event over ...
Going for afternoon tea is often the ideal way to spend a free weekend with friends and family. If you love eating dainty cakes and finger sandwiches while gossiping about life, Cambridgeshire is ...
Action Plan for the Sperrins AONB. First working group meeting, 6pm to 8.30pm. At The Ponderosa, BT47 4SD. UFU & Ulster Wildlife. Peatland management event. At The Old Church Centre, Cushendun, 7pm.