In the Fort Worth Independent School District and across Texas, conversations about literacy instruction have largely focused ...
Large language models are changing higher education. These authors show that that doesn’t have to be a bad thing.
Reading fluency — the ability to read accurately, automatically and with appropriate expression — remains a critical yet ...
With a team of teachers and an evidence-based approach, virtual tutoring startup Reading Futures is helping upper elementary, ...
It is a mistake to hook the future of the Texan educational system to the idea of school choice. All schools in Texas, and in ...
The practice of ‘streaming’ students in New Zealand has hurt Māori and Pacific Islander students, advocates say ...
Reading ability among young people is declining, and it is the most vulnerable students who are hardest hit, according to speech therapist and ...
When Mississippi lawmakers in 2013 approved legislation to improve students’ basic reading skills, it fell to State ...
Ashley Moerman said she finds a lot of joy working with young children with different needs at Chelsea's North Creek ...
Lindsey Talaski, Regina Wruble, and Lynn Siemen lead Harbor Beach’s Kids Kloset, providing free clothing and hygiene items to children in need.
In our latest 5 questions with feature, meet Duane Matthew Dodson, an assistant professor of English at Stark State College and a poet.
What does one say about a pillar of society? I wanted to look at it from three points of view: church, school, and family.