Ashwin Kumar’s animated series Mahavatar Narsimha has sparked excitement, with its teaser crossing 2 million views in 24 ...
The revolutions in the e-learning platforms, with animation and AI. When it comes to how students will use the provided ...
A group of seven artists — all of them from Ciudad Juarez — are trying to create an animated feature-length film that depicts ...
If you haven't heard of 'Make a Girl', that needs to change, because it might be the most interesting anime dropping this ...
In this exclusive series, the filmmakers behind each of this year's Oscar-shortlisted shorts reveal their favorite shots.
Latvian animated fable Flow ( now streaming on VOD services like Amazon Prime Video) is one of those nontraditional films that find a way to sneak into the awards race and maybe upset some big-studio ...
Here are 32 of the greatest family animation movies that aren't from Disney.
Zilbalodis discusses his first time working with a team, how each part of production influences his stories and the future of ...
The auteur responsible for 'Fantastic Mr. Fox' and 'Isle of Dogs' explained why he was drawn to stop-motion and how it influenced his aesthetic since.
Maxon yesterday announced its acquisition of Laubwerk, a company that creates procedural 3D models of plants, trees and ...
XYN’s spatial capture employs a mirrorless camera, converting real objects and spaces into high-quality 3D objects.