Ashwin Kumar’s animated series Mahavatar Narsimha has sparked excitement, with its teaser crossing 2 million views in 24 ...
Ashwin Kumars upcoming animated series Mahavatar Narsimha is creating waves with its enthralling teaser, released on the ...
Gravity, Jurassic Park, and The Matrix are among the select few movies with the all-time best CGI special effects.
The film has a near-perfect Rotten Tomatoes score and viewers have been left 'pleasantly surprised' by how good it is after ...
Our review of Flow, a breathtaking animated masterpiece about a cat's journey to survive that's better than anything Disney ...
Though the fourth season of Netflix’s live-action Witcher series still doesn’t have a concrete release date, Netflix has finally announced when we’ll see yet another animated take on Geralt of Rivia.