Josh Hawley, a conservative Missouri Republican, has been pushing for the rate cap since 2023, a move that has put him in line with the most liberal U.S. legislators
Sanders and Hawley said that while Americans are struggling to make ends meet, credit card companies continue to get rich.
Price controls have a long and well-documented history of failure, yet policymakers continue to impose them with predictable results. President Donald Trump, Senators Bernie Sander
Sens. Bernie Sanders and Josh Hawley agree it’s time to help Americans dig out from debt. They are working together to limit credit card interest rates, where people owe $1.17 trillion.  Read More
Senator Bernie Sanders and Josh Hawley introduced legislation that would cap the interest rate on credit card debt at just ten percent, a far cry from the 24 percent tha
He introduced a bill with Vermont’s left-wing legislator, but it’s not the strangest bipartisan effort from the Missouri senator. From Yvette Walker:
But supporting a bill to cap credit card interest rates — based on a campaign promise the president made — wouldn’t be one of them. The odd couple of Sens. Bernie Sanders, the Vermont socialist, and Josh Hawley,
Bernie Sanders, the Vermont socialist, and Josh Hawley, a conservative Missouri Republican, have joined forces to craft legislation that would make it illegal for credit card issuers to charge interest rates higher than 10 percent.