The effects of sustained drug abuse can manifest in many ways. Loss of memory and reduced cognitive functions are some of the effects that can persist for years. Scientists have now identified a ...
More than a dozen bacterial species among the hundreds that live in people's mouths have been linked to a collective 50% increased chance of developing head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), a ...
Antioxidant content and activity are increased during the processing and digestion of Japanese apricots pickled with salted red perilla leaves, new research shows.
Scientists believe the hormone hepcidin, when produced in the skin, may be the root cause of psoriasis -- a chronic and sometimes debilitating skin disease that affects 2-3% of the global population.
As society ages, the number of patients with heart failure is rapidly increasing. The progression of the disease is caused by excessive growth of fibrotic tissue in the heart, known as fibrosis. A ...
Nov. 11, 2022 — The autonomic nervous system is known as the control center for involuntary bodily processes such as the beating of our hearts and our breathing. The fact that this part of the ...
By 2100, hospitalizations from diarrheal diseases are predicted to increase in the city of Dhaka in Bangladesh as a result of climate change, even if global warming stays under 2 degrees Celsius, ...
In a surprise finding, astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have discovered that the blowtorch-like jet from a supermassive black hole at the core of a huge galaxy seems to cause stars to ...
Sea robins are unusual animals with the body of a fish, wings of a bird, and walking legs of a crab. Now, researchers show that the legs of the sea robin aren't just used for walking. In fact, they ...
People with Down syndrome face a higher risk of developing leukemia. Now researchers explain why, by identifying specific changes in blood cells of people with Down syndrome.
Exposure to certain pollutants, like fine particles (PM2.5) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), during pregnancy and childhood is associated with differences in the microstructure of the brain s white matter, ...
Compared with inactivity, a weekend warrior pattern of exercise (concentrating most moderate-to-vigorous physical activity in one to two days during the week) or a more evenly distributed physical ...