The Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), the armed wing of the Karen National Union (KNU), and its allied forces currently ...
After the floodwaters receded aid workers were able to get to formerly flooded areas, but there are still many obstacles to ...
The junta’s Infantry Battalions (IBs) 28, 338 and 339 in Hlaingbwe Town have each received two batches of reinforcements ...
By law any visitors staying overnight in someone else’s home need to be registered on the overnight guest registration list.
M, which describes itself as: “An independent group of international human rights experts working to support the peoples of ...
Since 11 September 2024, flash floods have been affecting over 30 villages in junta-controlled Taungoo Township, all of which ...
She explained that since the second week of September, the authorities have been checking that special schools for Myanmar ...
Many houses in the village had already been set ablaze by soldiers. After the troops’ departure, locals constructed temporary ...
The area has experienced severe flooding because the Sittaung River has burst its banks. Local aid organisations and aid ...
The demand was made in a 14 September 2024 statement by the IPCM that said the media should be free to report accurately from ...
The guidelines came in a joint 17 September 2024 statement issued by the NUG’s Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster ...
On 10 September 2024, ward, 100-house and 10-house administrators started compiling lists of youths living on Padauk Street, ...