Vladimir Putin sent a message to the participants, organisers and guests of the 1st KinoBravo blockbuster film festival in Sochi.
You are rightfully proud of the glorious history of the industry, honour the names of legendary scientists, outstanding designers, engineers, and specialists whose achievements formed the basis of the ...
Presidential Aide and State Council Secretary Alexei Dyumin participated in a meeting of the organising committee for ...
Aisen Nikolayev chaired a meeting of the State Council Commission on Energy as part of the Russian Energy Week.
Presidential Aide Andrei Fursenko visited Mariupol, where he had a working Head of the Donetsk People’s Republic Denis ...
Vladimir Putin held a meeting of the Russian Federation Security Council standing conference on nuclear deterrence.
Vladimir Putin sent greetings to the Channel One Russia Worldwide Network team on the 25th anniversary of its international broadcasting.
Vladimir Putin sent a message of greetings to President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov on Independence Day, Turkmenistan’s national holiday.
Vladimir Putin met at the Kremlin with President of the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye Numan Kurtulmus, who is in Russia ...
The President chaired an expanded meeting of the State Council Presidium on export development.
Head of the National Research Center Kurchatov Institute Mikhail Kovalchuk informed the President about the centre’s ongoing ...
On September 26, Vladimir Putin will hold talks at the Kremlin with President of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, who is in Moscow on a working visit. The agenda ...