Indoor succulents have become the stars of social media and a must-have accessory for any modern home. Most are known for their stylish good looks and reputation for being very easy to care for.
Succulents need a lot of light to thrive indoors. Keep them near a south-facing window where they can get bright, indirect ...
As a group, succulents are easy to care for because they are drought-tolerant. They need water, but not it as often as do many other plants.
Cacti and succulents sales and books have boomed in recent years, thanks to the houseplant trend that was prolonged by ...
Most kits are perfectly suited for herbs, small flowers and some species of succulents, but you can also grow peppers, cherry tomatoes and even strawberries if you have enough space. Many indoor ...
If you would like to add some unique plants to the landscape, porch, or even in the house, consider succulent plants. Succulents have thick, fleshy stems, leaves, or roots designed to hold water.