In short order, the Democratic presidential campaign, almost entirely inherited from Biden, found a new direction.
A campaign staffer working on Vice President Harris's presidential campaign was reportedly sexually assaulted by a Secret Service agent last week.
Damage from gunfire, fired sometime after midnight on Monday, was discovered at the Democratic National Committee campaign office near Southern Avenue and Priest Drive in Tempe, the Tempe Police
The Democratic Party opened an office in downtown Athens Thursday to spearhead the Kamala Harris presidential campaign in the area.
Police were posted outside a Democratic Party campaign office in a quiet suburban strip mall in the Phoenix area Wednesday after two shootings at the office door and windows over the past week.
Shots were fired at a Democratic Party campaign office in Tempe, Arizona, on Monday. There were no injuries since nobody was at the office when the shooting happened,
Arizona police are investigating a possible shooting at an office used by Kamala Harris' campaign and the Democratic Party.
An Arizona office used by Vice President Harris’s campaign and state Democratic congressional candidates was damaged by gunfire Monday, according to a report from NBC News. The Tempe Police
Police in Arizona are investigating an incident where shots were fired through windows at Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign office. Workers in the office called the police after discovering the damage.
“We are grateful to Tempe police for coming quickly to the scene and are fortunate no one was present or injured,” Sean McEnerney, the coordinated campaign manager for the Arizona Democratic Party, said. Police say they are investigating all possible motives as the office has been damaged now twice in just the last two weeks.
Black and Asian American women have rarely, if at all, played the U.S. commander in chief in television and film. As Kamala Harris makes her presidential bid, Hollywood lags behind.