But asteroids aren't inherently menacing. They're just ancient objects, formed early in our solar system's history, that ...
A series of radar images taken by Nasa has revealed that a large asteroid which zoomed past Earth last week was actually two ...
The Deep Space Network’s Goldstone Solar System Radar near Barstow, California, captured a series of radar images of the near ...
A nuclear bomb could save Earth from a catastrophic asteroid impact, according to a first-of-its-kind lab study.The new ...
According to experiments and computer simulations, the radiation of a nuclear blast could be enough to change the trajectory ...
Eager to not meet a similar fate, the National Academy of Sciences has called for planetary defense to be a national priority ...
New close-up images reveal the surprising snowman shape of "potentially hazardous" asteroid 2024 ON, which tumbled safely ...
A blast of X-rays from a nuclear explosion should be enough to save Earth from an incoming asteroid, according to the results ...
Small asteroid 2022 EB5 impacted Earth was discovered by Krisztián Sárneczky using the 0.60-m Schmidt telescope at Konkoly ...