Before planting, it's a good idea to have the soil in your yard analyzed to determine its pH (acidic/alkaline) level,' according to the experts at the Xeric Gardening Club of Albuquerque.
There are five general soil moisture regimes: aquic, udic, xeric, ustic, and aridic. These moisture regimes have detailed definitions (Soil Survey Staff 1999). General working definitions are ...
Both soils have mean annual precipitation of 450 mm. The Ustoll (a) has an ustic soil moisture regime and the Xeroll (b) has a xeric soil moisture regime. Note the presence of calcium carbonate ...
Overwatering or planting in poorly draining soil can lead to fungal disease and root rot. Yuccas don’t like wet feet. As xeric plants, they need to be planted with other water-wise plants.