But at his age, she says, he should be closer to 100 pounds (45.3 kilograms). Seal pups, she says, usually wean from their mothers at three to four weeks old, at which point they fend for themselves.
Pups at the Piedras Blancas rookery in San Luis Obispo County are shedding their neonatal coats. The weaner on the left has ...
But at his age, she says, he should be closer to 100 pounds (45.3 kilograms). Seal pups, she says, usually wean from their mothers at three to four weeks old, at which point they fend for themselves. ...
The one on the right is molting its black newborn coat. Kate Riordan Weaning is a major transition in elephant seal life. Pups go from gaining weight fast — 200 pounds or more of blubber in a ...