If you plan ahead a little bit you could have your own system of water purification to use in emergencies. Everyone needs clean drinking water and this gadget will let your produce your own ...
Tap water is not always safe to consume. So if you live in an area with poor tap water quality (or you simply prefer the taste of filtered water), you'll want to have a filtration system in place.
Discover the process of constructing an innovative deep tunnel water filtration well in the heart of the forest! Using creativity and primitive techniques, this project showcases how to design a ...
Water desalination plants could replace expensive chemicals with new carbon cloth electrodes that remove boron from seawater, an important step of turning seawater into safe drinking water.
Did you know that tap water can have contaminants such as lead, arsenic, chlorine, pesticides and even particles from malfunctioning wastewater treatment, despite the Safe Drinking Water Act?
Professional production of drinking water requires sophisticated purification. Chlorite, chlorate, and the carcinogenic bromate are by-products that are formed during the disinfection process.