DEAR DR. ROACH: I ate some tilapia last night, and within an hour, I had nausea and a headache, vomiting a few hours later, and now diarrhea. What do you think is going on? -- V.P. ANSWER: I would be ...
At first glance, cod and tilapia look quite similar. After all, they are both mild-tasting white fish. They're both pretty popular too. Even so, these fish are quite different. So, how do they ...
Laura Barajas had her arms and legs amputated after contracting the aggressive bacteria Vibrio vulnificus, likely from undercooked tilapia A San Jose mother lost her arms and legs after ...
Our data is pulled together from a variety of sources, including public sources and individual buyers or sellers who have helpfully offered to share their information with us. We strive to have as ...