16-bit design still popular today with developers releasing games with modern technology while retaining nostalgic aesthetic. Collection of Mana repackages classic 16-bit gems for accessibility ...
If you were alive during the 16-bit era, there is a good chance that you will have owned a Motorola 68000 or one of its derivatives in a computer or game console. By the end of the 1990s it was ...
Ken Kutaragi, father of PlayStation, has a prototype of the Nintendo PlayStation in his closet: it was believed that only one unit had survived.
Its pixelated graphics are a homage to the 16-bit era of the SNES and Mega Drive, while at the same time being enhanced by modern technology, and it turns out its gameplay is a similarly ...
The Super NES is arguably the best known console of the 16-bit era. It typically came in the form of a grey box with either grey or purple buttons, and an angular or streamlined design ...
The 16-bit era was formative for the JRPG, and even though the style has been adopted for modern nostalgia value, its retro roots still sing today. With the overlap occurring in a single console ...