Dr. Sudhir Tyagi is a General Medicine Doctor / Internal Medicine Doctor practicing in Bengaluru, specializing in the field of General Medicine / Internal Medicine. If any of the displayed ...
She then began working at a private firm and befriended a man named Sudhir Tyagi last year. Tyagi proposed her for marriage in September 2023 and raped her at her house. When the woman recently ...
If any of the displayed information needs updating, please click here. For concerns or queries regarding the information, feel free to email us. Medindia Constantly updates the database. However ...
If any of the displayed information needs updating, please click here. For concerns or queries regarding the information, feel free to email us. Medindia Constantly updates the database. However ...
If any of the displayed information needs updating, please click here. For concerns or queries regarding the information, feel free to email us. Medindia Constantly updates the database. However ...
In all, the counting ended in one and a half hours, and the final results were declared by 9.30am,” said Sudhir Tyagi, the returning officer. Officials said that Ranjita Kalyani, 46, of the BJP ...