Did you find that to be true, Steve? MARTIN: I found people in show business to be generally really, really nice, and in the theater to be really, really nice – a few maniacs (but,) in the bluegrass ...
before teaming up with Steve Martin for their first No. 1: Rare Bird Alert in 2011. Here are all 10 of Steep Canyon Rangers' No. 1 albums: More from Billboard Billboard launched its Bluegrass ...
Steve Martin Comedian, writer ... the author of several books and plays and in his later years began recording bluegrass ...
Nowadays, the band is doing performances with both Steve Martin and Martin Short, as well as bluegrass artists like Rob Ickes and Peter Rowan, who they’ll be sharing the stage with when they ...
Grammy Award winner and purveyor of mountain music, Steep Canyon Rangers builds off traditional bluegrass to bring its Americana sounds to the stage. Hailing from the Appalachian and Piedmont regions ...
WORTHINGTON — Worthington High School cast, crew and musicians are just weeks away from the premiere of this year’s show, ...
Comedians and actors Steve Martin and Martin Short perform together ... and Martin plays banjo with his bluegrass buddies Steep Canyon Rangers. Asked if he had any hope of one day upstaging ...
Steve Martin has five Grammys for comedy and bluegrass music. Former presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama have won Grammys for their audiobooks. Martin Luther King Jr. and Carrie Fisher were ...