Planting of new spruce trees is being banned in parts of East Anglia and South East England as part of new measures to limit ...
It is killing forests filled with mature white spruce trees. The culprit is a tiny bug native to Alaska called the spruce bark beetle. The beetles have already devastated swaths of spruce forest ...
can create significant damage to your spruce trees. All trees have some insects that call them home, and most of the time, even the presence of numerous types isn't as dangerous as it may ...
Then the larvae begin to eat through the wood; once the larvae are mature, they bore exit holes for the adult beetles. The house borer beetle finds spruce, pine, and larch woods particularly tasty.
Their research has shown, for instance, that trap trees prepared using chainsaws or harvesters attract spruce bark beetles to a similar degree. However, the same cannot be said for certain other ...