The most imperiled is the Atlantic humpback dolphin (S. teuszii), found only in relatively shallow waters close to shore along the western African coast, ranging through at least 13 countries from ...
The Taiwanese humpback dolphin is a critically endangered marine mammal — with fewer than 100 individuals remaining — living along the densely populated west coast of Taiwan. It's among the shrinking ...
The Atlantic humpback dolphin (Sousa teuszii) is among the poorest understood oceanic mammals. There is a lack of historical and present-day information about population size, habitats ...
The calf was an Irrawaddy dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris). It was likely with its mother in a group of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis). Irrawaddy dolphins have squished faces and ...
Atlantic humpback dolphins feature distinctive humps on their backs topped by rounded fins. They inhabit the shallow coastal waters of West Africa, ranging from Western Sahara south to Angola, and ...
Atlantic humpback dolphins, with distinctive humps on their backs topped by rounded fins, live in shallow waters near the shore. Their range includes the coast of 13 western African countries from ...