Resource managers in South Florida have a new tool in their fight against Sargassum thanks to a five-year, $3.2-million grant ...
Moment, Ah-Hy u ng Alissa Park, and colleagues have developed an alkaline thermal treatment to break down the polysaccharid e ...
Philippe Maréchal shows a sargassum bloom, which has affected parts of the Caribbean since 2011 | Earth And The Environment ...
A USF study found that vertical currents are likely behind the algae blooms that dump sargassum onto Florida beaches each ...
Beach managers are constrained to what areas of the beach they can clean during turtle nesting season, which began March 1.
Sargassum plants are a nuisance on some beaches, but they are a shelter and a feast for a complex and amazing variety of marine life. A clump of sargassum weed the size of a soccer ball drifts ...
The stinking mounds of seaweed in some cases have piled up nearly three meters high on beaches, choked scenic coves and cut off moored boats. Caricom is considering an emergency meeting worried ...
Los turistas juegan en las olas entre el sargazo en una playa de Cancún, México. 30 mayo 2021. REUTERS/Paola Chiomante. NO REVENTAS NI ARCHIVOS. When the crystal clear waters of the Caribbean ...
A Finnish algae processing company is considering installing a plant in the Dominican Republic given the negative impact of the sargassum seaweed invasion of its beaches and tourism industry.
Researchers identified a strong negative North Atlantic Oscillation in 2009--2010 as the tipping point that pushed sargassum into the tropical Atlantic, confirming vertical mixing, not rivers, as the ...