The body moves in three planes of motion; sagittal ... Keeping your right leg pressed into the floor and your feet together, move your left knee upward in an arc, then lower it back down to ...
Lower the other leg behind you until your toes tap the floor ... The body can move in three planes: sagittal (forwards and backward), transverse (rotating and twisting) and coronal or frontal ...
When you hop, run or jump, your legs behave like springs, absorbing and returning energy with each step. But what happens to ...
and single leg drop jumps (SLDJ). Performance outcomes, jump height and the Reactive Strength Index, were calculated. Sagittal plane kinematics, joint moments and joint work were obtained using ...
Results ACL injury and ACLR altered lower extremity biomechanics, as both ACLR groups demonstrated increases in frontal plane movement (increased hip adduction and knee valgus). The ACLR-injured leg ...