An archive has revealed a handwritten copy of a 200-year-old poem originally written to prove rhyming is easy after an ...
You’ll probably know a bit about rhyme already as it is often used in poetry. Refresh your memory with this short, fun clip. You can sing and dance along with CBBC's Radzi Chinyanganya if you like!
Doggerel! There I said it. Sometimes words just wander through my mind on their way to somewhere else. That one drifted through just the other morning as I was accompanying Lucy, the Ambassador of ...
Loyola's Social Justice Week invited poet Shivani Gupta to instruct using the power of the pen to combat injustice.
I had things I wanted to say, and so I said them. Word after word, and line after line. Some poems rhymed and some didn’t. I don’t remember worrying about ideas, or how to get an idea ...
Don't just say "I like you" or "I love you"—make your love confession to that special someone in a more romantic way, with an unforgettable poem.
An archive has revealed a handwritten copy of a 200-year-old poem originally written to prove rhyming is easy after an argument at a breakfast table. Marking World Poetry Day, Longleat in ...