Recent findings suggest that post-COVID chronic cough may be driven by neurological factors, not just respiratory issues.
Learn the real causes behind uncontrollable coughing and discover effective treatments from medical experts, plus warning ...
This study has demonstrated that asymptomatic current cigarette smokers have a significantly diminished cough reflex relative to that of healthy nonsmokers. The inhibition of cough sensitivity due ...
Cough ing is a natural reflex that helps clear your throat and airways of irritants, but it can be uncomfortable and persistent. While over-the-counter medicines are commonly used to relieve a ...
“A cough is a reflex action which can cause a sudden noisy expulsion of air from the lungs,” says Claire Nevinson, Boots’ Superintendent Pharmacist. “The most common types of coughs are a ...
Then I stumbled across some promising research about reflexology: A 2020 study showed that people had improved bowel movements and less constipation after just one month of weekly 30-minute ...
Yet while coughs are great sleep disruptors, they also provide a protective reflex. “Coughing is essentially a reflex designed to protect our airways and prevent the aspiration of foreign bodies ...