But fear not, you've got plenty of time to make a pinhole projector to view the total solar eclipse. Take your box -- I used a cereal box -- and trace its bottom on your sheet of paper.
In order to make a pinhole projection box, you will need: The steps are as follows: The first step of creating your homemade pinhole projection box is to draw a square on either side of your box.
UK stargazers are in luck as next month there will be a solar eclipse visible throughout the country. The partial eclipse ...
Left: Schematic of a pinhole projector that projects images of a Romanesco's detailed texture onto the focal plane. Right: SLAC's Yousuke Utsumi and Aaron Roodman remove the pinhole projector from ...
(Staff photo by Derek Davis/Portland Portland Press Herald via Getty Images) The video then describes and explains some safe ways to use the pinhole projection method to safely view the eclipse ...