Aging is a social process as well as a biological one, and we have to figure out ways to cope with our greying and the greying of society and the speed of change.
Growing old is a natural part of human existence ... analyzed data from the German Ageing Survey. With over 14,000 people ...
The oldest Tyrolean celebrated his 107th birthday on January 31. Josef Peer from Trins has reached an exceptionally old age. But he is not alone as a ...
The image went viral, and one recurring comment stuck out to me: young queer people who said that they’d never seen an older gay man before. Queerness is often conflated with youth, but what ...
The main reason for the tripling of new cases in that population is that the percentage of Black Americans living to the oldest ages is growing faster than among white people, Dr. Coresh said.
While another commenter shared a special story: "I was never a Chihuahua person until I met my partner who had an ancient, decrepit, angry 20-year-old Chihuahua and I fell head over heels in love.
The oldest person in the world ... My earlier post on this topic was titled “Growing Old Is Easy: Time Does All the Work.” I thought it was trueish and amusing. After listing some of the ...