People with early-onset Parkinson’s face challenges different from those with traditional late-onset Parkinson’s.
A Colorado Springs family hopes to win what they believe would be a landmark legal verdict by proving to jurors next month ...
I am an 84-year-old male in fairly good health for my age. I take 8-10 pills a day, including two over-the-counter ...
Parkinson’s disease-triggered tremor is often ... the changes in posture or walking habits in patients. "A shuffling gait, in which the steps get smaller and the foot movement seems less smooth ...
Patients living with Parkinson’s disease are encouraged to engage in regular exercise to help manage symptoms and improve ...
Change from baseline in gait variability did not differ between ... was nonsuperior to placebo at 6 weeks in adults with Parkinson’s disease whose symptoms included fall risk and cognitive ...
By the end of the decade, he noticed his hands moving slowly and his gait turning into a shuffle. When his Parkinson's diagnosis finally came, he was horrified and wondered if he'd been condemned ...
People with Parkinson’s sometimes experience temporary, involuntary periods where they are unable to move their feet when trying to walk – known as freezing of gait (FoG) – which can have a ...
Five wearable devices that monitor patients with Parkinson's disease as they go about ... sensors designed to harvest movement data such as gait, involuntary movements, and posture throughout ...