The five-year progress report, released late last year, shows that while the massive cleanup effort is yielding positive results, it will take upwards of 30 years before PCB-related fish ...
What are these damaging substances and what do they do to us? SINCE THE 1960s we have found PCBs in fish. These compounds belong to a broad family of human-created organic chemicals known as ...
A seafood sampling survey has revealed some non-compliances but an overall low risk to public health. In England and Wales, ...
The study examined various duck and goose species and found PCBs, OCPs, and PFAS in all samples ... Similar advisories regarding contaminants are already in place regarding fish. Anglers are advised ...
which critics say can have negative impacts on marine ecosystems and may involve health risks to humans due to the accumulation of toxics like dioxins and PCBs. In a world where fish populations ...
The Lower Fox River is showing improvement after a massive PCB cleanup effort, but fish consumption advisories remain in effect. It may take several decades for PCB levels in fish to decline ...
Nearly five years after the final scoop of contaminated sediment was taken from the Lower Fox River, the river is improving, but it’s still not safe for fish consumption. And it won’t be for ...