When Napster m ade its d ebut in June 1999, few knew its potential impact. The software would let you share music files online for free, but at the time consumers were still buying hundreds of ...
A new report suggests Napster is behind on royalty payments to major distributors and record labels. Some say Napster is a few months behind schedule; others say they’re behind more than a year.
Despite its name remaining one of the most loaded terms in Internet history, Napster’s mission to go straight still chugs along, and the now-music streaming service’s latest plays are ...
Napster, and now its clones, is generating all sorts of debates in the press. For example, is what Napster doing legal? The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) says Napster encourages ...
Originally for music files, and subsequently for videos, this type of sharing was popularized by the famous Napster service as well as Gnutella, Grokster, KaZaA and others. Users upload ...
Before he convinced Mark Zuckerberg to drop the "the" and signed on as Facebook's first president, Sean Parker helped launch two other big startups: Napster and Plaxo. Napster is the one you've ...