Citrus leprosis is a significant viral disease affecting citrus crops, particularly in the Americas. It is primarily transmitted by Brevipalpus mites, which are tiny arachnids that can carry ...
The Florida Entomologist, Vol. 54, No. 3 (Sep., 1971), pp. 249-258 (10 pages) The strawberry mite, Agistemus floridanus Gonzalez, is readily distinguished from related species on Florida citrus by its ...
Citrus trees make fantastic additions to a space ... pest infestations such as aphids or mites, or diseases like citrus greening,’ says Susan Poizner, author and creator of Orchard People.
73, No. 2 (Jun., 1990), pp. 230-237 (8 pages) Copper hydroxide (Kocide 101, 50% metallic copper) did not affect the residual efficacy of the acaricides, AGRI-MEK, Vendex, and A-1335, used to control ...