It named the new Irish single malt Connemara, after the medieval Conmacne Mara tribe of Galway. The brand later expanded to include a non-age statement flagship, 12-year expression, and cask ...
At an institute in Manila, researchers and eco-tourists trade stories about the Mara tribe, who live on a remote island and have an annual festival of rebirth in which some of the tribe forget who ...
South Tuipui constituency is predominantly inhabited by the Mara tribe, one of the major ethnic groups in Mizoram. The constituency covers several villages and towns, including Saiha, the district ...
A legal battle is brewing between two brothers over a disputed 4,720-acre piece of land within the Maasai Mara Game Reserve.
with Mara spending millions in scholarships,” said Ramli, who is from the Semai tribe. In December 2022, Ramli had called for Jakoa to undergo a “direly needed” overhaul, saying it had not ...