Kathy Quimbach was a nongame information specialist for the state's Division of Fish and Wildlife, and part of her job ...
RANGE: Bobcats are territorial and establish home ranges that are up to several square miles in size. A male bobcat's home range will overlap with several females, and it may also overlap with the ...
“As they get older they will become more and more aggressive, and a male bobcat especially can be about twice the size of a typical domestic cat and also very unpredictable in its behavior ...
NH expert explains why bobcats find "comfort" in residential areas after one came “eye to eye” with a Portsmouth woman.
General sightings of a bobcat can be reported to MassWildlife at [email protected] or (508) 389-6300. If the animal is ...
MADISON, Wis. (WMTV) - Funding is needed to help care for two male bobcat brothers, the Dane County Humane Society (DCHS) ...