Frankie, a five-year-old French bulldog, weighs a whopping 26kg - around the same as a small adult deer. His owner Danielle ...
Frankie the Frenchie is a real head-turner - tipping the scales at a whopping 26kg, the five-year-old pooch is a big deal ...
Frankie the Frenchie weighs a whopping 26kg and is believed to be the biggest of his breed in the world, with his owner being ...
The American bulldog is a large non-sporting breed from the United States with a sturdy body, broad head, muscular shoulders, ...
Bulldog breed temperament and personality Bulldogs ... Because their heads are so large in comparison to their pelvis, they ...
At his last check-up, Diaz weighed more than double the average for his breed, which typically ... just snatch the title for the world's biggest French bulldog. "He's always been big; as a puppy ...
Danielle, 37, remembers the massive mutt being large at just a few months ... more than double the average weight for his breed. Generally, French bulldogs reach about 11 to 12 inches tall ...